Less Steel Electric Fruit And Vetable Er - Automatic Ing

51,42 €
+ 6,80 € Versand

Less Steel Electric Fruit And Vetable Er - Automatic Ing

  • Marke: Unbranded

Less Steel Electric Fruit And Vetable Er - Automatic Ing

  • Marke: Unbranded
Preis: 51,42 €
51,42 €
+ 6,80 € Versand

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In a few seconds, the shell is sparingly and cleanly removed. Stops automatically after peeling. Peels fruit and vegetables, such asApples, potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, turnips, aubergine, cucumber, courgettes, peaches, oranges, lemons, limes, kiwis, and much more. With plastic blade to remove potato eyes. Stows away in the housing to save space. Sharp stainless steel blade:Easy to remove for cleaning. Flexible power supply with 4 AA batteries. Easy to clean.Simply wipe the plastic housing with a damp cloth. Dimensions:290 x 140 x 140 mm. Power supply: 4 x AA batteries (not included). Description: The electric Rotato Express peeler is an automatic peeler, which you can use for almost all fruit and vegetables. Whether you want to peel an apple, a kiwi, a potato, or an orange.The electric peeler peels the fruit andvegetables precisely to the last millimetre and more carefully than any normal potato peeler. You will lose nothing from the fruit or the vegetables, like the important vitamins that often lie directly beneath the skin. With just one push of a button (battery operated with 4 x AA batteries (not included)) peeling is quick and easy. Simply clamp the fruit or vegetables in place, press the button and in seconds the electric potato peeler oreconomic peeler will remove the peel in one piece. In function, accuracy and elegant design no other potato peeler, apple peeler or peeler comes close to this electric all-rounder.
  • Fruugo-ID: 154683666-327648638


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CE Mark
Sicherheitswarnungen: Not suitable for children under 36 months

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Zhengzhou Zeyu Enterprise Management Consulting

Adresse: Nanxiluyuganjianglujiaochakoudong100mi gaozhaixiaoqu5haolou3danyuan1402shi, Zhengzhou City, 450000, China

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  • Zhengzhou Zeyu Enterprise Management Consulting
  • Zhengzhou Zeyu Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd
  • Room 1402, Unit 3, Building 5, Gaozhai Community, 100meters east of the intersection of Nanxi Road and Ganjiang Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
  • zhengzhou
  • CN
  • 450000
  • joy3503@outlook.com
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  • Y &HS. R. L.
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  • 75100
  • itlyhsri@gmail.com
  • 00393917722149